Travel Programs

Cardinal Adventures

无论你是在计划一生的旅行, a return to a favorite vacation spot, or simply looking for your next adventure, the 十大电子游艺网站排行红衣主教冒险旅行项目 is a great place to start your journey.

The Lamar University Office of Alumni Affairs works alongside several travel partners to provide the best travel experience possible for our alumni and friends. Your safety is most important to us.

May 29-June 6, 2024

  • This extraordinary river cruise/tour will explore the enchanting and significant history of this important region of France as well as provide the foodie in you experiences that will remain in your memory forever.Provence
  • Explore the French countryside, 乘坐豪华游轮Amadeus普罗旺斯号,在风景如画的罗纳河和索恩河上航行.
  • Elevate your wine knowledge and appreciation through exclusive experiences with winemakers and sommeliers in the Burgundy and Beaujolais wine regions.
  • 在亲密的环境中学习烘焙传统法棍面包, 在面包房与专业的法国面包师一起上动手烹饪课.
  • 享受徒步旅行,探索联合国教科文组织世界遗产老里昂, 罗马人在公元前43年首次建立了这座城市.C.以及在烹饪界享有国际声誉的Le Halles de Lyon Paul Bocuse餐厅.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅行伙伴Orbridge提供的. 

View Provence Trip

May 31-June 9, 2024

  • 在奥林匹亚的考古遗址跟随第一批奥林匹亚选手的脚步, and marvel at the beautiful sculptures and other treasures from the various temples in the Archaeological Museum.
  • Experience a city tour of Athens, the birthplace of democracy, 你也可以自由探索. Take in the sweeping city views from the Parthenon and wonder at the Acropolis built during the 5th Century, B.C. and also its unique museum.
  • 漫步卡拉马塔迷人的老城区,发现希腊的传统食物和橄榄油, 葡萄酒和其他特产闻名世界.
  • Walk among the ruins of ancient Sparta, and see the stunning ruins of Mystras, set on a picturesque mountainside, 参观这个地区独有的修道院.
  • 在这次旅行中体验四个联合国教科文组织世界遗产-太多的历史在这里列出.
  • 在这个行程中,独自旅行的人不收取附加费.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴AHI提供的. 

July 3-9, 2024

  • 在落基登山队的全穹顶舰队, 穿越其他难以到达的地形,解锁不列颠哥伦比亚省无与伦比的美丽, Alberta, and the Canadian Rockies.
    Canadian Rockies
  • Delight in luxurious GoldLeaf Service on board which includes a bi-level coach with full-length panoramic windows, reclining upper-level heated seats, unlimited beverages including beer, wine and premium spirits, 点餐服务和美食以当地食材为特色.
  • 欣赏标志性的路易斯湖碧绿的湖水, and experience the magic of Banff National Park from your modern gondola to the top of Sulphur Mountain and as you stroll charming Main Street on foot during leisure time.
  • 这个行程包括在导游的带领下领略温哥华的魅力, 还有时间自己探索艺术爱好者的格兰维尔岛.
  • 您还可以选择游览维多利亚,这是不列颠哥伦比亚省郁郁葱葱的首府.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅行伙伴Orbridge提供的. 

View Canadian Rockies Trip

July 5-13, 2024

  • Discover Normandy’s proud traditions, dramatic history, and culinary delicacies as you pay tribute to the sacrifice and valor of the Allied Forces on this seven-night small group tour.
  • Visit Omaha and Utah Beaches, the Normandy American Cemetery, sainte - m -Église和其他与二战期间的关键行动有关的地点.
  • Admire some of France’s greatest treasures, 包括雄伟的圣米歇尔山和精心缝制的贝叶挂毯.
  • 品尝美味的葡萄酒和美味的午餐在一个庄严的, 10th-century castle, 再加上在历史悠久的庄园品尝诺曼底备受赞誉的卡尔瓦多斯苹果白兰地.
  • 探索风景如画的港口小镇翁弗勒尔, which has captivated artists for centuries, 来一趟城市之旅,有自己的时间去欣赏它的珍宝.
  • 在这个行程中,独自旅行的人不需额外付费.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴AHI提供的. 

July 11-22, 2024

  • Alaska在挪威宝石号上乘坐7晚游轮, plus the stunning beauty of Denali State Park through the eyes of your special Alaska Geographic guide, and on day two, 通过你的圆顶轨道车,360度欣赏壮观的景色.
  • 近距离接触巨大的哈伯德冰川, 是阿拉斯加最活跃的冰川之一.
  • 游轮穿过内部通道,欣赏274英里的壮丽景色,欣赏令人惊叹的蓝色冰, dramatic waterfalls, and wildlife such as bald eagles, sea lions and more.
  • Ports of Call include Icy Strait Point, Juneau, 斯卡格威和凯奇坎,可选择观赏鲸鱼, 寻找熊的冒险和参观当地的村庄和图腾柱, among others.
  • 许多额外的免费服务包括在这个巡航,如船舱升级, specialty dining, 无限饮料套餐及相关小费.
  • 这次冒险包括从休斯顿出发的机票, TX, 并由LU的旅游合作伙伴提供, TRIPS, Inc. Other airports are also available.

September 24-October 2, 2024

  • CanadaSail on the Norwegian Joy for this Autumn fall color tour from wonderfully French Quebec City to New York City along the Saint Lawrence Seaway.
  • 当你漫步在魁北克老城时,把自己带回到过去, evoking European charm, cobblestone streets, museums, cafes, 还有一段迷人的历史等待我们去探索.
  • Get lost in the charm of Charlottetown, and Prince Edward Island’s romantic streetscapes - perfect for exploring its history and artistry on foot at your leisure.
  • Enjoy Norwegian’s Freestyle Cruising on your days at sea with a vast variety of included activities and some of the best cuisine offered at almost any time of day. Your cruise includes a complimentary unlimited beverage package of soft drinks and alcoholic beverages (refer to details on brochure) and associated gratuities as well as a 1- or 2- night specialty dining package, depending on state room selection. 客房升级也可以提前预订.
  • Explore the picturesque city of Halifax, Nova Scotia with an optional excursion to see Peggy’s Cove - a quaint fishing village and photographer’s delight with its classic read and white lighthouse. 另一个可选的游览是美景公墓, 最著名的是泰坦尼克号120名遇难者的最后安息之地.
  • 这次冒险包括从休斯顿出发的机票, TX, 并由LU的旅游合作伙伴提供, TRIPS, Inc. Other airports are also available. 游轮上的短途旅行是可选的,需要额外付费.

September 27-October 8, 2024

  • Discover Lisbon, one of the world's oldest and most intriguing cities with one full day at leisure to explore on your own, or take an optional tour to Sintra, 这座迷人的村庄拥有精致的19世纪欧洲浪漫主义建筑.
  • 选择从多个机会体验波尔图, 包括历史悠久的城市之旅和上杜罗葡萄酒产区的特别葡萄酒品尝.
  • Enjoy the scenery as you cruise by small hamlets and villages dotting the terraced vineyards while indulging in local entertainment in traditional dress and regional delicacies.
  • 你离西班牙边境只有一步之遥, 那么,为什么不试试萨拉曼卡呢?有几个机会可以参观这个地区.
  • 在这个行程中,独自旅行的人不收取附加费.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴AHI提供的. 

January 18-29, 2025

Antarctica Discovery
  • Embark on an unforgettable odyssey, 在那里发现和冒险汇聚在白色大陆的广阔画布上.
  • Cruise in elegance and comfort. Ocean Victory拥有现代精致和负责任的旅行之间的微妙平衡. 从船舶的节能系统到最小化碳足迹, 每一个细节都经过精心制作,以确保对我们探索的环境影响最小.
  • Get lost in luxury. 充分利用船上的五星级设施, including two hot tubs, spa, gym, spacious lounges, and outdoor bar.
  • Dine in style. 在优雅的用餐空间品尝精致的美食, featuring floor-to-ceiling windows, 全景餐厅和小猎犬餐厅都有.
  • Explore at leisure. Ocean Victory 配备齐全的帆船和一支皮划艇队, 让您近距离探索偏远的海岸线和野生动物丰富的地区. Expert guides, scientists, 讲师在整个旅程中无缝地丰富了学习经验.
  • An optional Polar Camping excursion on land is offered with specialized performance gear and expert guidance, 参与者将睡在一个舒适的大麻袋里,与大自然最大程度地接触. 皮划艇爱好者可以参加可选的海上皮划艇郊游, a one-time opportunity to explore the outstanding grandeur and magical beauty of the polar expanse by kayak.
  • This itinerary includes one night luxury hotel accommodations in Ushuaia and 9 nights aboard Ocean Victory, including all onboard meals.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴Orbridge提供的. 

Springtime in Ireland (9 days land tour)
March 26-April 3, 2025

  • IrelandThis weeklong tour of the Emerald Isle will delight you with breathtaking scenery combined with the warmth and charm of their people.
  • 游览首都都柏林和著名水晶的故乡沃特福德.
  • 参观美丽的古堡,游览令人惊叹的克里环.
  • 没有游览布拉尼城堡和亲吻布拉尼石的机会,旅行就不完整!
  • Be spellbound by the glorious beauty of this island country - deep green fields dotted with fluffy white sheep, 崎岖的悬崖向下倾斜,迎着汹涌的海浪, 还有音乐酒吧之夜——爱尔兰应有尽有!
  • 这次冒险包括从休斯顿出发的机票, TX in the price, 并由LU的旅游合作伙伴提供, TRIPS, Inc. Other departure cities are also available.

April 16-24, 2025

Dutch Waterways
  • Embark on a seven-night cruise brimming with centuries of history and Old-World splendor along the intimate waterways of the Netherlands and Belgium!
  • 在阿姆斯特丹热闹的运河中尽情享受,在库肯霍夫花园美丽的郁金香中漫步.
  • Revel in the wonderfully preserved Gothic gems of Bruges and the impressive medieval old town in Antwerp.
  • 其他港口向你介绍恩克惠曾, a beautiful Dutch Golden Age city, and Veere, a laid-back harbor town.
  • 此外,打开一次,享受选择包括文化和烹饪经验 in several ports.
  • 尽情享受千变万化的全景和放松的舒适,使河巡航如此吸引人!
  • 这次旅游没有单独旅行的额外费用.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴AHI提供的. 

Enchanting Gems of Austria: Graz & Salzburg (9 days/8 nights land tour)
May 21-30, 2025

  • 奥地利的辉煌正等待着这个例外, 充满历史气息的八夜体验, natural beauty, and scrumptious cuisine!
  • 享受四晚一流的酒店在两个格拉茨和萨尔茨堡的心脏, named UNESCO World Heritage sites.
  • 在格拉茨迷人的氛围中漫步,从标志性的山顶上.
  • In music-filled Salzburg, the birthplace of Mozart, delight in a memorable performance of his works with a three-course dinner and see the landmarks of his life.
  • Outings around the Styria region introduce you to mighty Riegersburg Castle and the renowned Lipizzaner stallions.
  • 其他突出项目包括在风景如画的哈尔施塔特湖上乘船游览, a day in Bavaria featuring the historic Eagle’s Nest and a 60th-anniversary "The Sound of Music" tour!
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴AHI提供的. 

July 1-9, 2025

Italy's Lake District
  • Indulge in glorius views of lakes, 在意大利壮观的湖泊上游弋时,你会看到山脉和豪华别墅.
  • 享受七个晚上在斯特雷萨,意大利,在一流的酒店拉帕尔马.
  • 沿着宁静的奥尔塔湖滑行,体验传说中的圣朱利奥岛.
  • 欣赏博罗米恩群岛,在贝拉岛上享受私人招待会.
  • 在私人农场到餐桌的烹饪课上向当地厨师学习.
  • Witness "The Last Supper," a UNESCO Wolrd Heritage site, 在米兰文艺复兴时期的圣玛丽亚教堂内.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴AHI提供的. 

August 2-11, 2025

  • Discover Glasgow, including a visit to a local distillery to learn about whisky making followed by a tasting of the local beverage.
  • Explore many of the stunning castles of Scotland with professional guides and behind the scenes tours including Stirling Castle, Urquhart Castle, and the breathtaking Glamis Castle.
  • 在臭名昭著的尼斯湖享受轻松的游览.
  • 见证令人印象深刻的军管和军鼓表演, Highland dancers, 以及著名的爱丁堡纹身队的列队.
  • Optional Northern Ireland pre-tour and St. Andrews post-tour also available.
  • 这次冒险是由LU的旅游合作伙伴Orbridge提供的.

More Information Coming Soon

October 29-November 10, 2025

  • MoroccoSail from Lisbon, Portugal through the sparkling Azores and Canary Islands down to the exotic souks and bazaars of Morocco!
  • Along the way, 探索七个异国情调和很少参观的海滨奇观, 最后是古老的加的斯和迷人的塞维利亚, Spain.
  • In the vibrant city of Santa Cruz, 探索特内里费岛色彩缤纷的艺术画廊,漫步于色彩鲜艳的建筑之间, unique local shops, and vivid street art.
  • In mystical Morocco, 尽情享受阿加迪尔美丽的海滩度假胜地和美味的当地美食, 然后浏览卡萨布兰卡广阔而繁华的中央市场.
  • 这次冒险包括从休斯顿出发的机票, TX in the price, 并由LU的旅游合作伙伴提供, TRIPS, Inc. Other departure cities are also available. 游轮上的短途旅行是可选的,需要额外付费.

Additional Trips Coming Soon:

欧洲圣诞市场河游- 2025年12月(日期待定)- TRIPS, Inc.

Hawaii - The Ultimate Cruise Tour (NCL Cruise through the islands) - January 2026 (Dates TBD) - TRIPS, Inc.

 Check Back Often

如果您想在旅行日期可用时收到通知, 请与我们的旅游协调员联系. Let's explore the world together!

Contact Laurie Ritchel, Travel Programs Coordinator, 了解更多信息或回答有关我们项目的任何问题. 409-880-8922 voicemail, 409-790-4307 cell.

What People are Saying

The combination of touring a beautiful and historic part of Europe; first class / well planned / well executed tour programs; and a group of awesome, friendly, 爱玩的校友们给我们带来了一次奇妙的旅行. 我们非常希望将来能有更多这样的校友之旅. The trip was A+ all the way.

Susan (Terry) '64 and Bob '64 McLendon

Richardson, Texas

拉马尔的第一次校友出国旅行再好不过了! AHI是一个很棒的合作伙伴,我们都很喜欢我们的校园主任, Enrique Trave', 他在巴黎机场接我们,全程陪伴我们. Our tour guides were terrific, 尤其是诺曼底海滩上的威廉·乔丹, who has written books on D-Day! It was an educational and fun-filled trip....and a great group of travelers. 我们期待与校友和朋友们有更多的出国旅行!

Camille Mouton


AHI是拉马尔第一次校友教育之旅的绝佳选择, 我们有兴趣参与未来. 我想,从各方面考虑,我们的经历再好不过了.

Sue and John '56 Morrison

Lees Summit, MO

这次旅行从头到尾都非常精彩——住宿, food, scheduling—all went flawlessly, and we enjoyed every minute of it. 我还要特别赞扬我们的校园主任, 恩里克·特拉弗——我无法用言语来形容他在各方面的能力.

Ellen (Walker) Rienstra '62

Beaumont, TX

我们感谢十大电子游艺网站排行发起这些教育校友旅行计划. 使用AHI Travel是一个很好的选择,当然, 对于我们的AHI校园主任,我们怎么说都不为过. The planned itinerary certainly took us to many significant places and was a nice balance between historical, cultural and fun!!

Marilyn and Charlie '56 Radaz

Lompoc, CA

We really had a fantastic trip and enjoyed the group so much - I would not have imagined that traveling with a group would have turned out so well! 这次旅行的成功很大程度上要归功于十大电子游艺网站排行和我们的校园主任Enrique!

Charlette (Prothro) '88 and Randy Sandell

Spring, Texas

What a wonderful trip. We loved it!

Michael Ann (Agee) ' 64 and Grady '64 Crawford

Baton Rouge, LA

Life Long Learning

十大电子游艺网站排行的使命是鼓励在多元文化的世界中终身学习. One of the ways in which Lamar University seeks to fulfill that mission is through the establishment of an educationally-based travel program for alumni and friends of the university. 有关十大电子游艺网站排行旅游计划提供的未来旅行的全部信息, please visit this site regularly.


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