Lamar University Safety Policy


1.十大电子游艺网站排行安全政策的目标是培养学校所有员工对事故预防的积极态度. 所有主管都要认识到员工和公众的安全需求. 他们有责任采取必要的预防措施来控制安全隐患. 至关重要的是,所有主管认识到并接受对所有员工安全的责任. Safety shall be incorporated as an integral part of all University programs. 所有员工都有责任采取合理和谨慎的行动,以防止卷入事故.

1.EHS主任负责管理和实施学校的安全计划 & Risk Management. The Director of EHS & 风险管理负责确保适当的安全政策的颁布和传播,并审查整体安全记录,以确定关注的领域. EHS专家负责发现不安全状况和不安全行为,并定期审查各领域的检查报告,以确保大学工作环境的安全. The Risk Management & 职业安全协调员有权在迫在眉睫的危险可能导致严重伤害时停止工作. 所有注意到或发现的差异将继续由工作命令或负责主管进行纠正. 2.


本政策声明建立了一项安全政策,以保存和保护人力和物质资源,并维持健康和受控的环境. The Safety Policy will be brought to the attention of all personnel, included in all appropriate manuals, 并在所有新员工的入职培训中进行识别.

  • 提供在哪里可以找到专门安全信息的信息.
  • To address safety items generally applicable across Lamar University campus.
  • 强化所有员工都有责任遵守安全规定的观念.
  • 倡导经理和主管有责任通过安全会议和个人咨询来支持职业安全.

Office of EHS & Risk Management, through the Chief Operations Officer, acts as the Authority having jurisdiction in matters concerning safety.

  •  Chief Operations Officer
    • To serve as the final authority having jurisdiction in matters concerning safety and fire and life safety issues.
    • 使董事对其职责和控制范围内的行为和情况负责.
    • To monitor the Health & Safety Plan. 
    • 促进将安全和健康考虑作为本组织各级规划和决策过程的组成部分. 
    • 让经理/主管/员工对其职责范围内的行为和情况负责. 
    • To coordinate with the Director of EHS & Risk Management on safety-related issues. 
  • Director EHS & Risk Management
    • To develop and implement the Health & Safety Manual.
    • 协助管理层和主管建立合理的、可衡量的安全目标和目的,并为实现既定目标和目的提供绩效反馈.
    • To review biennially and update as necessary the Health & Safety Manual.
    • 透过派发海报等教育资料,提高市民的安全意识, flyers, brochures, and safety articles.
    • 协助管理层和主管处理与安全相关的问题,并在预定的员工会议上提出和讨论.
    • 鼓励管理层和主管对指定的工作区域进行定期安全检查并记录在案.
    • To perform timely analyses of Workers’ Compensation injury losses, and at least annually prepare a summary report for the Chief Operations Officer.
  • Risk Management & Occupational Safety Coordinator
    • To assist on, advise of, and guide the operation of the Health & Safety Manual.
    • 准备提交给所有新员工的有关计划的信息.
    • 对整个校园进行至少一次年度安全检查并记录在案.
    • 协助管理层和主管进行事故和事件调查,确保所有事故都得到及时彻底的调查,并采取适当的纠正措施.
    • 保持所有工伤或疾病的记录,并与大学索赔协调员协调适当的报告.
  • Building & Lab Safety Coordinator
    • 每年检查所有校园实验室,并向相应的实验室经理或首席研究员报告不足之处.
    • To manage the University's hazardous waste disposal process. 
    • To periodically update the Hazard Communication Plan, Hazardous Waste Program, Radiation Safety Manual, the Biological Safety Plan, and Chemical Hygiene Plan.
    • To serve on campus committees as needed. 
  • EHS Specialist
    • 检查校园灭火器、除颤器和急救箱,确保问题得到纠正.
    • To assist with annual fire and life safety inspections of campus buildings. 
  • Managers & Supervisors
    • 通过实施《电子艺游网投官方网站》,尽量减少与工作有关的伤害和疾病 & Safety Plan in areas of operation.
    • To accept responsibility for the Health & Safety Plan.
    • 观察员工的工作习惯,并立即采取行动,无论是加强安全行为还是纠正不安全行为或工作条件.
    • 在员工会议期间定期就安全问题进行讨论和培训.
    • 确保在指定工作区域及时调查和报告事故和事件.
  • Employees
    • To account for personal safety to the maximum extent possible.
    • 参加和参与有关安全问题的培训和讨论.
    • 向主管或经理报告不能立即纠正的安全隐患.
    • 以能安全完成工作的身体状况向单位报到.
    • To attempt to correct, if possible, any observed condition or practice that has caused, or has the potential to cause, an injury or damage to property. 应立即将情况和尽可能多的事实报告给主管.
    • 寻求有关安全工作规范和安全操作程序的培训机会.


 Reviewed and Modified: 12/05/22