
Because our focus at 十大电子游艺网站排行 is both on student learning and creating an environment that stimulates the development of excellent teaching, 我们的方法是多方面的. Through a range of programs, we support all aspects of faculty development. 部分援助通过以下方案提供:

ACUE程序   辅导计划   教学认证   评价 & 评估



十大电子游艺网站排行 has partnered with the Association of College and University Educators (ACUE) to offer at 对教师没有成本, a certification opportunity to develop best 实践 in teaching online and face-to-face courses. 的ACUE证书 有效的教学实践 ensures that faculty learn about—and implement—the approaches that improve engagement and persistence and promote deeper learning.


A collection of colorful tetris blocks with people icons drawn on them. 手在移动棋子.


The goals of the new faculty mentoring program via The 教与学促进中心 are to support new faculty members (experienced and inexperienced) at 十大电子游艺网站排行; familiarize them with university expectations, 实践, and resources; maximize satisfaction, 生产力, and retention; and increase motivation and collegiality across campus.




CTLE offers teaching certificates that provide faculty with sustained and substantial faculty development that can be easily documented in your annual review and tenure review portfolios.

This Teaching Certificate shows your commitment to improving your work and may be used as evidence of such in annual evaluations and promotion and tenure documentation. The 教与学促进中心 also loves to recognize faculty completing certificates each year at Provost Kick-Off.

A desk with several books, a laptop, and a rolled up certificate bound in red ribbon

To complete: Attend or virtually view 10 sessions via the 教与学促进中心. 一旦你参加或观看, list the title of the sessions you attended and provide a written reflection of how each workshop helped or will help you in your courses, along with a copy of the syllabi for the course(s) in which you plan to implement changes to CTLE Coordinator at dept_CTLE@hkpk.net. 跟踪你的“出勤率”,” you will need to also submit the related evaluation form for any workshop attended or watched 在这里

Recordings of available CTLE trainings can be found in your Blackboard by logging in at http://luonline.blackboard.com/ 登录后, click “Organizations” in the lefthand panel and then select “教与学促进中心.会话选项可以在左侧面板上找到.


Choose one of your courses in which you plan to implement some of what you have learned in the videos and sessions CTLE has offered and are recorded and uploaded on CTLE Blackboard Shell. 它可以是你学到的一种技术或技能, 或者它可以更抽象, such as a greater understanding of how to work with students with disabilities or first-generation students and a way that you are adapting your teaching to help them better. It could be something you researched on your own because of learning about a student challenge (i.e.(不是直接参加CTLE培训,而是受到它的启发). 简而言之, we want to see some expression of your growth as a teacher and your implementation of something you have learned.


我们是来帮忙的! The CTLE will provide feedback on individual instructor’s classroom performance. 评估方法包括一对一的会议, 课堂观察, 以及保密咨询.

The CTLE will provide feedback on individual instructor’s classroom performance. 评估方法包括一对一的会议, 课堂观察, 以及保密咨询. 所有的磋商过程都将保密. Faculty interested in pursuing this opportunity are encouraged to contact the Center at dept_CTLE@hkpk.net 主题为“请求反馈”."



Instructors can work with a CTLE consultant at any stage of designing a course, from defining the topic for a course to putting the finishing touches on the syllabus. Consultants help instructors identify learning goals for their students, 发展有意义, 适时的作业, and determine ways of assessing whether and how students have achieved those goals.


A CTLE consultant can visit any teaching setting to observe instructional 实践. 参观结束后, the consultant discusses with the instructor what she or he has observed; together, 他们为进一步的实验和改进制定策略, 确定需要持续反思的领域. A teaching observation works particularly well for instructors who have engaged already in some analysis of their own teaching, 但我想换个角度看.


A Center consultant meets with students in a class to collect their thoughts about the class, 然后和老师见面讨论学生的反应. An student member can provide valuable insight into what students think is working well in the classroom.


A CTLE consultant can help instructors interpret both the numerical ratings and the comments on student evaluations. This type of consultation shifts the focus from viewing evaluations as judgment or critique to recognizing them as a rich source of information about student learning in our disciplines.


本中心就教学报表的编写提供咨询, 课程组合, 教学组合, 以及其他形式的文件. Preparing such materials helps instructors to reflect deliberately on their teaching practice--deepening their understanding of pedagogical goals and methods, 并将这些目标和方法与学生的学习联系起来.


The CTLE can arrange for a technology specialist to work with instructors to explore potential technologies to support student learning and for successful integration of technology into their teaching. 这可能包括帮助您的课程学习管理网站, 电子通讯工具, 课程展示技术, and a range of other issues geared to the needs and expertise of the instructor.


CTLE support is available 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. We are committed to the highest ideals of confidentiality in all matters.

阿什利·L. Dockens 教与学促进中心主任

有关CTLE的问题: dept_CTLE@hkpk.net
关于Blackboard的问题: 黑板上@hkpk.net